Body lift or post weight loss contouring surgery involves restoring a more youthful appearance to the body, regaining normal body contour. Most patients have lost significant amounts of weight, but sometimes this is just an unwanted effect of modest weight loss in combination with ageing and having children. It involves breast lift, tummy tuck, thigh lift and arm lift surgery in various combinations (or all together) depending on the patients wishes and needs. It is also often done in combination with liposuction to improve the contour in fatty areas resistant to weight loss -such as the hips. Most patients are self-conscious about the look of the body, -this may affect their choice of clothing, work, activities and self-confidence in relationships. They may also get symptoms such as sweating and chafing with unsightly discoloured skin or stretch marks. Most patients have worked hard to loose weight, improving their health and life expectancy only to find that at the end of that process they feel depressed and down hearted about their appearance, with excessive areas of skin laxity and redundancy. Often its difficult to get this surgery on the NHS. Patients need intervention as a reward for weight loss, to feel good about their appearance again and feel it was all worthwhile.
I have extensive experience of all the latest techniques and will be able to advise which technique is best for you, depending on the amount of skin laxity you have, the quality and thickness of the skin and subcutaneous fat and your desired overall shape. Many surgeons are only familiar with one or two techniques, so its important to know, whoever you see, that they are suggesting the operation that is best for you rather than just suggesting the operation they are able to do. For more details of the procedure, see my information leaflets on abdominoplasty, liposuction, breast lift (women), gynaecomastia (Men), thigh lift and arm lift.
My patients are highly satisfied with their surgery. This includes hospital and nursing staff who have asked me to perform the operation after seeing my outcomes, and by personal recommendation of friends and relatives who like my friendly yet professional approach, and know they are in safe hands. My patients are more comfortable with their appearance after surgery, their confidence and self-esteem is better. They feel they can wear more revealing clothing, clothing fits them better in general and often personal and sexual relationships improve. It is an operation I enjoy doing knowing predictably good results.
Please contact me for information on pricing